Horse Trials & British Eventing


British Eventing Breckenbrough Horse Trials runs in early April each year. Breckenbrough’s aim is to give you an educational and fun experience as a rider, owner or horse during your visit. The Bell team love sharing their wonderful facilities with you during the Event season to compete, train or hire.

Cross Country Course

David Evans XC Course Builder

All of our tracks are designed by Olympic Course Builder David Evans and built by Paul Ellis and team. The course is run over permanent, extremely well-drained sandy grassland. Our unique going means we have the ability to run when other events are under water. The ground is never holding and therefore gives confidence to horse and rider. Over the BE weekend we have a dedicated team working to maintain the ground conditions.

The tracks combine inviting solid and portable fences with alternatives at the more difficult fences. The venue features two water complexes and ditch combinations. 

Check out drone footage of our 2023 course to give you an idea of the terrain and fences available at Breckenbrough

Show Jumping Phase

The Show Jumping section is usually run on our large arena or in a dry year we will often run on grass . 

Dressage Phase

Our dressage warm-up area is flat with plenty of room away from the excitement of the jumping sections.

Breckenbrough’s Amenities

Breckenbrough benefits from a large cafe area with tasty food served by “Harleys”. On-site Wifi and TV is also available .

We also RENT THE FACILITIES to clubs to run unaffiliated events  events throughout the season .

Event Organising Team

Breckenbrough’s Organising Committee include the Tonks Family, who make up a large part of the Team. Kevin and Mandy are key to the smooth running of the Event and organising the volunteers. Also, Megan Tonks is responsible for designing the program superbly every year. 

Find Out More

Sunday April 6 th we have a NRC ODE at Breckenbrough Horse Trials We will have classes 80 90 100 cm with inviting XC courses for an early season run . Entries are on event will be popular and entries will close when full . For anyone travelling from afar wanting to book a stable please email : ... See MoreSee Less
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Date for your diary if it’s not already down Breckenbrough Horse Trials British Eventing 10-11th May ... See MoreSee Less
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